Disclaimer & Site Policies

HerpeSite Disclaimer, Site Policies, and Terms of Use

Here to help people with Herpes, since 1994. Unlike many sites, HerpeSite.org is NOT a shill for a product or company. Support is #1.  We offer ads on our site to help pay for the maintenance & upkeep of the site. We try to choose quality Sponsors who are relevant, helpful, and offer valuable products and services for our members and guests.

HerpeSite respects the privacy of visitors to its website and is committed to the protection of their personal information.

General Discalimer & Terms:

Please note, the material contained in this document and/or website is a compendium of information only.

HerpeSite(tm) webmasters, writers, members, assistants, facilitators, and others who contribute on a regular basis in live chats, web support, email, and in other areas of Herpes Support on HerpeSite.org are not medical doctors. Further, they are not to be misconstrued in conduct, or counsel to be such.

It is not the intent herein to diagnose or prescribe. The intent is to offer health-related information to assist you in working with any health specialist you may choose, recognizing that within the health, medical, dietary, and exercise fields there are widely divergent viewpoints and opinions.

Before beginning any practice related to health, diet, or exercise, it is highly recommended that you first consult a recognized medical professional. Should you choose to make use of the information contained herein and on the following pages without consulting a licensed health professional, you are prescribing for yourself – which is your right – and the authors(s) and publisher(s) do not assume any responsibility whatsoever under any conditions or circumstances.

Links to Other Sites

In addition, any links to other external sites, resources, and references are for your information and convenience only, and are not to be construed as an endorsement, approval, or recommendation of the sites, opinions, information, or products by HerpeSite.

Advertising & Sponsorship

HerpeSite accepts advertising from Sponsors, as well as participating in affiliate programs and ad networks.  Our intent is to provide easy access to sites and products that we have found to be useful or that we feel our readers will enjoy and benefit from.  Such Links within our content will be indicated with (*).  We do not accept direct ads from companies or organizations with which we have a philosophical or moral issue, or whom we feel to be of questionable veracity or intent.

We also do not accept ads or sponsorship in exchange for a favorable review.  However, due to the nature of ad networks and affiliate networks, we often cannot control the content of ads placed on the site.  Please do your own research and use your own discretion before purchasing any product or service.

Additional Disclaimers & Disclosure

This website is a labor of love and done primarily to offer support and resources. We do hope to make enough money from it to at least pay for the hosting fees and upkeep.  That’s why we now have google adsense, and affiliate accounts with several highly reputable providers who offer services we feel will benefit our readers.  We do not affiliate with scammy products, and we do not link to sites just because there’s a spiff in it for us. (In fact, most don’t.)

That said, beginning December 1, 2009, the FTC requires bloggers to provide disclosures whenever there could be hidden interests or unspoken biases related to recommendations.

We only recommend products and services that we or others in our network of friends have tried, use, and love. Regardless of whether or not we got or will get anything for it in the way of goods, services, or cash. (And we usually don’t!)

But per the FTC rules, if we interview someone and they grab the bill for lunch, we would need to specify this. If someone gives us a comfy t-shirt with a logo and we wear it in a photo, same deal. Ditto if we use an Amazon link that gets us 8 cents instead of an Amazon link that gets us 0 cents. (As if people don’t know there’s a spiff in it through links like that, duh!) Disclaimers all over the place.

Putting disclaimers next to every product reference or link would be tedious for us and a continual eye sore for readers. But rules is rules.

To cover our bases and preserve your reading experience, please assume that, for every recommendation, link, and product we use, the following all hold true:


Adapted from Tim Ferris at fourhourworkweek.com. Tim has graciously given us permission to use his words and the illustrations. (Illustrations courtesy of Louis Gray and Jeannine Schafer)

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